162 Test Procedures for EMI/EMC/ESD
Application This short course will provide the background and details of commercial EMI/EMC/ESD standards and review test procedures to gain understanding and proficiency in EMC testing.
For Whom Intended This course will be of interest to personnel involved in testing and development of products intended for international markets. It will be of interest to testing and certification engineers and technicians, Quality Assurance personnel such as inspectors and technical auditors, manufacturing engineers, design and development engineers.
Brief Course Description The course provides a review of applicable theory and an explanation of the various terms and definitions encountered. The course proceeds to discuss safety issues and the potential hazards that could be encountered in testing activities.
This is followed with a general discussion of regulatory agencies of the US, European and Japanese authorities and the various standards to be followed such as: ECC, FCC, IEC and MIL-STD.
The test laboratory and open area test site are discussed as well as procedures to be followed for compliance auditing and selecting an anechoic chamber.
The advantages and disadvantages of testing in-house or contracting out are discussed as well as the paperwork requirements for certification testing.
The application of various tests for EMI, EMC and ESD are discussed and recommended procedures for each method are discussed.
A review is made of diagnostic methods for dealing with EMI/EMC/ESD problems. The course closes with a review of the examples of test procedures for various industries.
Diploma Programs This course is a required course for TTi’s Electronic Design Specialist (EDS), Electronic Telecommunications Specialist (ETS) and Instrumentation Test Specialist Diploma (ITS) diploma programs. It may be used as an elective for any other TTi diploma programs.
Prerequisites Students should have completed TTi’s Course No. 104, Electronics for Non-Electronic Engineers or the equivalent. This course is aimed toward individuals actively involved in related technical fields. An understanding of basic electrical theory is required.
Text Each student will receive 180 days access to the on-line electronic course workbook. Renewals and printed textbooks are available for an additional fee.
Course Hours, Certificate and CEUs Class hours/days for on-site courses can vary from 14-35 hours over 2-5 days as requested by our clients. Upon successful course completion, each participant receives a certificate of completion and one Continuing Education Unit (CEU) for every ten class hours.
Internet Complete Course 162 features over 7 hours of video as well as more in-depth reading material. All chapters of course 162 are also available as OnDemand Internet Short Topics. See the course outline below for details.
Course Outline
Chapter 1 - Review of Applicable Theory and Terminology
- Effects of EMI
- Components of EMC World
- Product Certification
- Terms & Abbreviations
- Decibel
- Change of Distance & Bandwidth
- Wavelength
- Time Domain vs. Frequency Domain
- Field Strength
- Narrowband vs. Broadband
- Near Field vs. Far Field
- Common Mode vs. Differential Mode
- Quasi-Peak Detector Circuit
- Peak vs. Quasi-Peak (QP)
- Signal Processing Circuit
- Facilities
- Safety Considerations—Protection Against Hazards
- Regulations
Chapter 2 - European Regulations
- European Regulations—CE
- European Union (EU)
- History
- EU Governing Bodies
- Key Elements of New Approach Directive
- Standards
- European Standardization Bodies
- Conformity Assessment Procedures and Modules
- Manufacturer’s Responsibility
- Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive
- Some Other Directives
- Scope of EMC Directive
- Exemptions
- Objective (Article 3)
- Essential Requirements (Article 5 and Annex I)
- Safeguard (Article 10)
- Conformity Assessment Procedures in EMC Directive
- Technical Documentation Contents
- Declaration of Conformity
- Various Bodies under EMC Directive
- Standards Route
- Exercise
- Revision of the EMC-Directive
- New EMC Directive 2004/108/EC
- Conformity Assessment
- Information requirements
- Unique Approach of EC Specifications
- Minimum Performance Criteria
- Types of EMC standards
- Generic Standards for Emissions, Immunity
- Considerations on Immunity Limits
- EN 61000 Series Structure
- Useful Internet Links
Chapter 3 - RF Emissions
- RF Emissions
- Radiated and Conducted Emissions
- Classification
- Measurement Conditions—Ambient
- DUT Configuration
- Multi-Unit or Modular Configuration
- DUT Operation
- Conducted Emission
- CISPR 22 Conducted limits
- Transducers for Conducted Emissions
- Impedance Provided by LISN
- Transient Limiter
- Use of Transient Limiter
- Test Setups
- Table Top Equipment
- Floor Mounted
- Floor Mounted and Table-top
- Radiated Emissions
- Test Considerations
- Open Area Site
- Test Accessories for Radiated Emissions Test
- Test Procedure
- Table-Top Equipment
- Floor Mounted
- In-situ measurement
Chapter 4 - Low Frequency Emissions / Harmonics
- Harmonics Evaluation (IEC 1000-3-2)
- Test Source
- Measurement Equipment
- Classification
- Limits
- Class A Equipment
- Class C Equipment
- Class D Equipment
- General Requirements
- Measurement Setup
- Test Conditions
- TV Receiver
- VCR/Audio Amplifier/ITE
- Lighting Equipment
- Washing Machine / Vacuum / Microwave
Chapter 5 - Low Frequency Emissions: Voltage Fluctuation and Flicker
- Limitation of Voltage Fluctuation and Flicker (IEC 1000-3-3)
- Three Phase Test Set-up
- Voltage Changes per Minute
- Flicker and Voltage Deviation
- Voltage Deviation
- Flicker Severity (P)—Units
- Test Conditions—General and Specific
- IEC 1000 Series Structure
Chapter 6 - ESD Testing
- Severity Levels
- ESD Generator Design
- ESD Gun
- Verification of Characteristics
- ESD Waveform
- Test Setup
- Table-Top (Laboratory Setting)
- Floor Mounted (Laboratory Setting)
- In-Situ
- Test Procedure
Chapter 7 - Radiated Field Immunity Testing
- Severity Levels
- Test Signal
- Test Equipment
- Field Uniformity
- Anechoic Chamber
- TEM Cell
- Reverberation Chamber
- Test Procedure
Chapter 8 - Fast Transients Immunity Testing
- Immunity to Electrical Fast Transients (EFT)
- Voltage and Frequency Levels
- Voltage Waveform
- Test Equipment
- Burst Generator
- Test Equipment—CDN
- Test Equipment—Capacitive-Coupling Clamp
- Test Considerations
- EFT Procedure
- Table-Top Mounting
- Floor Mounted Equipment
- EFT—Post-Installation Tests
Chapter 9 - Power Line Surge Testing
- Severity Levels
- Waveform
- Combination Wave Generator
- CCITT Wave Generator
- CCITT Waveform
- Coupling/Decoupling Network—Power
- Coupling/Decoupling of Interconnect
- Test Procedure
- Power Lines
- Shielded Interconnect
Chapter 10 - Conducted Immunity
- Electromagnetic Environment Levels
- Test Equipment
- Test Generator
- Coupling/Decoupling Device
- Verification of Common Mode Impedance
- Network Analyzer Setup
- Level Setting
- CDN Principle
- Injection Probe Principle
- Test Procedure
Chapter 11 - Magnetic Field Immunity (Power Frequency)
- Magnetic Field—Limits
- Typical Levels
- Test Equipment
- Generator
- Induction Coil
- Coil Factor—Calibration of Coil
- Test Set-up
- Table Top Equipment
- Floor Mounted Equipment
- Test Procedure
- Immunity to Pulse Magnetic Field
- Test Levels and Procedure
- Immunity to Damped Oscillatory Magnetic Field
- Test Levels and Procedure
Chapter 12 - Voltage Dips and Interruptions—Immunity
- Test Levels
- Dips and Interruptions
- Voltage Variations
- Test Instrumentation—Generator
- Test Procedure
Chapter 13 - Considerations in EMC Projects
- Test Plan
- Test Report
- Pre-Compliance Testing (Emissions)
- Pre-Test—Immunity
- After Test (Diagnostics)
- Selection of Test House
- Accreditation Bodies
- Auditing (ISO/IEC 17025)
- Is Production Sampling Needed?
- VCCI Method
- Production Sampling—Immunity
- Product Quality Assurance Plan (PQAP)
- When Production Changes Affect EMI
- Ongoing Compliance
- Exercise
- Measurement Uncertainties
- Estimating Errors in EMI Measurement
- Future Trends
Chapter 14 - DO-160 (Commercial Avionics)
- Magnetic Effect
- RF Emissions
- Conducted
- Radiated
- RF Antennas
- Power Input Tests—AC, DC
- Momentary Power Interruption—Equipment with Digital Circuits
- Voltage Spike Test
- Audio Frequency Cond. Susceptibility—Power
- Magnetic (H) Field
- Induced into Interconnect Cables
- Induced into Equipment
- Electric Field (E) Induced into Interconnect Cables
- Spikes Induced into Interconnect Cables
- RF Susceptibility
- Lightning Transients
- Electrostatic Detector (ESD)
Chapter 15 - MIL-STD-461
- Overview of MIL-STD 461F Test Procedures
- MIL-STD-461F—Requirements Matrix
- General Test Setup
- Test Setups
- Non-Conductive Surface DUT
- Floor-Mounted & Multi-Devices
- RF Chamber-Typical Setup
- Free Standing Device
- Conducted Emissions
- CE101 — Power 30 Hz - 10 kHZ
- CE102 — Power 10 kHz - 10 MHz
- CE106 — Antenna 10 kHz - 40 GHz
- Conducted Susceptibility
- CS101 — Power 30 Hz - 10 kHz
- CS103, CS-104 and CS-105
- CS106 — Transients, Power Leads
- CS109 — Structure 60 Hz - 100 kHz
- CS114 — Bulk Cable Injection 10 kHz - 200 MHz
- CS115 — Bulk cable injection, impulse excitation.
- CS116 — Bulk Cable Injection; Damped Sinusoidal Transients
- Radiated Emission
- RE101 — Magnetic 30 Hz – 100 kHz
- RE102 — Electric 10 kHz – 18 GHz
- Antenna Positioning
- Multiple Antenna Positioning for Large Setup
- RE103 — Antenna Spurious & Harmonic Outputs: 10kHz – 40GHz
- Radiated Susceptibility
- RS101 — Magnetic 30 Hz – 100 kHz
- RS103 — Electric Fields
- RS105 — Transient Electromagnetic Field
- Useful References
Chapter 16 - Grounding Techniques
- Grounding
- Types of Grounds
- Grounding Effectiveness
- Grounds—Three Wire Outlet
- Laboratory Practice—Safety
- Signal Grounds
- Single Point Grounds
- Multi-Point Ground Systems
- Which Type of Ground
- Common Impedance Coupling
- Separation of Grounds
- Ground Loops
- Transformer Ground Loop Isolation
- Optical Coupler Isolation
- Shield Grounding at High Frequencies
Appendix A - Abbreviations and Glossary
Appendix B - Index of Equations
Final Review
Award of Certificates for Successful Completion
Click for a printable (pdf) version of course outline 162.
Revised 7/11/18